Monday, 5 December 2016

A funny year

It has been a strange year, his lordship has had work in dribs and drabs so hasn't paid me enough attention. To pay him back something broke each time he did make time to come out. We still managed to get to some new places; River Ore / Ald almost as far as Snape and The Swale and Medway to Hoo. A couple of short trips, mainly to Yorksfleet Creek or Colne Entrance, but overall a quiet year. Anyway, next year is already being planned. El Capitano has signed us up for the Jester Challenge. He has three pages of jobs to do before he thinks we are ready. We will see what happens but I will be amazed if he makes that start line. He needs to get the new self steering working and make a sea anchor. Hopefully he will take some before and after photos and post them here so everyone can see what a mess he has made of me!


  1. Only three pages Bernie? Let us know what you are upgrading. I'm doing all the electrics right now.

  2. Hi Geoff, nice to hear from you. I will keep a running list with some updates in the Projects page. If I do get to the Jester start line I will be down your way in June but it is a big IF! cheers, Bernie

    1. Come down anyway Bernie, and stay at Cargreen for a while.
