He offered to take crew and his friend and club member Tom Fisher joined us. Wind was strong enough for 2 reefs and we set off from Wilsonian beach where pick-up was easy. With two up and 2 reefs I don't tack well so we motored through tacks. My engine cut out after about a hour, thought it would add some interest to the proceedings! but he kept pushing on. We were caught out when we got stuck in irons and instead he tried for a gybe but the sheets became tangled and we were blown onto Bishop's Ooze. He put the anchor out to wait for some tide to lift us off which was when Nipos passed and kindly enquired of our status. After a very brief chat they left us with the message "OK, you seem to know what you are doing". This brought some much needed humour to the situation. Shortly after this we heard on CH16 that the Sheerness ILB had been launched and feared that someone had called our situation into the Coatsguard. Comments onboard about avoiding the cost of lunch were heard.
After getting the engine going again, it had sucked in some air and needed bleeding, we eventually managed to extract ourselves once the tide turned by backing the jib and breaking the anchor out. We returned to HNYC moorings and had a late lunch. A VHF call from Nipos to check we were OK was nice. Tom's help and experience was a great support and he might actually crew for the fool again. He made it ashore and faced the 'bar committee' who made him feel better about the situation by sharing stories of their mishaps. A call that evening from Chas rounded off the the embarrassment.
I don't like to tack with reefs in and especially with two or more in the cockpit.
He should have set off earlier.
The engine needs a half full fuel tank when heeled over to avoid sucking in air. The fuel gets to the engine by way of a syphon!