Saturday, 20 July 2013

Another Rowan 22

Went out late yesterday evening and moored to a buoy off Fambridge Yacht Station. About an hour later, just after the sun set a dark blue hulled Rowan 22' moored to the buoy adjacent to me. Lovely looking boat with what looked like an Association pennant.

Here she is the next morning. After a good nights rest we went up to Battlesbridge, it is getting very shallow up there now so only for spring tides when the next tide is higher!

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Projects and short trip report

So the fore hatch is the next job he thinks that he can improve, read all about it in the projects page.

A recent overnighter to the Roach found us being followed by a baby seal.  There were about thirty mother and pup pairs on the mud in the area which is more than I can remember in previous years.

We were sailing / drifting through Pagelsham Reach and a baby seal caught up with us and hung around for a few minutes. I think that my owner is a bit concerned that this pup is too young to be away from its mother and while the photos are cute it may not be a story with a happy ending!